Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tiny Conductor

I adore this video! This would be a wonderful Arts Integration exercise with many different age groups - all they need is a prop baton and a small box to stand on. I can imagine a group of kids doing this along with a conductor (for a smaller section of music). What a great way to learn about rhythm, movement, and emotion in music (as well as exposure to classical music)  Questions about how the music made them feel sitting and listening in comparison to standing and "conducting" could also be great!

Anyways, It was to great not to share - the pure laughter and enjoyment at the end made my day!


  1. I love tiny conductor kid. I think I read his parents are orchestral musicians. That kid probably has heard that piece several times. Very responsive to the music. I wonder how many podiums I can fit in Rachel's classroom.

    1. Love this! We could totally tie this in to our 'using music to develop and understand empathy as we read' idea- not sure how much room we have for podiums though ;)
